Remarketing Ad Strategies are crucial to the success of every business that operates online. Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is the process of targeting your online advertising to potential customers based on their previous searches and actions.

How Remarketing Ad Strategies Work

By installing a pixel in an email or webpage, businesses can place a cookie into a user’s web browser. You can learn to do this yourself or hire a professional. Either way, remarketing is a fantastic way to target ads to those who have already visited your website.
Remarketing Ad Strategies can pop up anywhere users spend the most amount of time on the Internet. From the Facebook sidebar to Instagram feeds, your desired customers will see your ads where they browse.


Facebook Campaign with Custom Audiences

If you’re having trouble getting customers to return to your site, a Facebook “We’ve missed you” Ad campaign is a fantastic remarketing tool. Your POS (point of sale) system will allow you to download a list of the names and emails of customers who decided not to follow through with their purchase. You can also access the information of those who haven’t purchased in a while.
If you’re not already using Facebook Ads to drive business, you should be. With those names and emails, you have the fuel you need to create a custom audience for your next Facebook Ad set. Encouraging re-engagement through custom audiences is an aspect of Facebook Ads that not many businesses utilize.

Facebook Ads Draw Incredible Results

Your target audience here has likely fallen out of your sales funnel. That’s okay because you’re about to create an ad specifically for them. Using the phrase “We’ve missed you” in the headline, and the copy, is a stellar way to grab attention.

Facebook remarketing campaigns are easy to set up. The Ad Manager will guide you through step by step, making sure you don’t miss anything along the way.

Large companies, such as Old Navy and DSW, routinely use this type of ad targeting to drum up business during a sale or encourage users to come back to their abandoned carts. If it works for them, it can (and will) work for you.

Send Email Marketing Campaigns That Feature Discount Codes

Next to Facebook Ads, email marketing ad campaigns should be your first attempt at customer reconnection and retention. Since you’re already using your point of sale system to detect customers who have dropped off for your targeted Facebook Ads, you might as well do the same for an email campaign!

Email software, such as MailChimp, will allow you to create audiences depending upon their actions. For example, if you have customers of haven’t opened your emails, or made their first purchase, you can target only those potential customers through your campaign.

Use Emotion to Build Your Email Remarketing Campaign

Remember, this audience is going to be more concerned about the bottom line than anything else. They have declined service from you in the past on some level, so they’ll want to know what’s in it for them.

You can use your email campaign to play off of that emotion. Demand attention with a subject line that promised a discount code, and don’t be afraid to stress that it’s just for that specific customer.

Example: “Here is a special discount just for you!”

An email is a beautiful place to promise value and exclusivity. After all, everyone has access to an ad on social media, but your customers are the only ones with access to their private emails. Try it and watch the open rate of your emails skyrocket at least 50%.

Learn from Your Competition

If you’re looking for an example of this campaign strategy, all you have to do is plug your email address into the website of any company that advertises on your Facebook feed.

Smaller-scale businesses love this tactic, and it will do you well to add yourself to your competitor’s email list. The competition is there for you to learn from it.

Don’t Let Remarking Strategies Go Unmanaged

Keep on top of your remarketing plans. It’s a fantastic way to retain and obtain repeat customers, and you don’t want to miss out on those opportunities. Building a clientele takes time.

Yes, it can be frustrating, but it’s always worth it.